Friday, February 12, 2016


Sentencing finally happened on Monday 1st February at 2pm.

It's the day we have all been waiting for to finally see him put away and to find out how long he would be in for. The judge summed up all 6 cases which was really hard to hear what he had done to the others, when he came to read out mine, I got upset, I had my mum, Zoe and my friend B that is another of his victims to support me, B and I supported each other through it all. Some of what the judge said we didn't understand but we did understand when he read out the sentence. Troy Walker got 13 years with a 10 year non parole period. The detective and his boss said to us later that it was a really good result and that we should be proud of ourselves.

B ran out of the courtroom and I ran after her, I hugged her tight while she broke down, we both ended up breaking down. After awhile we let go and made our way out of the building. Mum and I said our goodbyes as we had to catch a taxi to the airport, was hard to leave B as I felt I needed to be there for her.

I don't know how I feel about it all, I still feel numb about it all. I think because we have dealt with it for 2 years that to have it finally over with is a bit of a shock. My psychologist said to me when I saw her on Tuesday (9th Feb) that I didn't seem to be so stressed, I said I think its cause a weight has been lifted off me but still not feeling like me. She said it's going to take time for me to get back to feeling like me again and to be easy on myself. I have to remember that we won and that he is where he is belongs and he can't hurt me, B or anyone else. I have been listening to my theme song Warrior by Demi Lovato a lot lately as I find that helps but some days are just so hard and I wonder if I can go on.

There was a journalist in the courtroom from The Newcastle Herald, she did a story about it and you can read it here if you like Bible Leads to Jail Cell

Life Happens

 It sure has been awhile since I posted here, life happens and sometimes I don't know what to write or feel like sharing. A lot has happ...