Friday, September 25, 2020

Life Happens

 It sure has been awhile since I posted here, life happens and sometimes I don't know what to write or feel like sharing.

A lot has happened since I last posted, we have moved and had to downsize, still getting use to the smaller space but I'm liking living here. We don't have any dogs anymore, Sammy crossed over the rainbow last year before we moved to the new place, I miss not having him and Chloe and Snoopy around, miss their cuddles. 

I am still struggling with my mental health and seeing the doctor to try and get on top of it, I'm on a waiting list to see a psychologist. Cause of my mental health and the way I've been feeling I have let other health issues slide and they have now caught up on me, my diabetes was out of control, I'm still getting if under control but still have a long way to go, I've also put weight on and really need to work on losing the weight as it will help me. I have just been diagnosed with scheuermann's disease in lumbar spine and so now have chronic back pain which drives me nuts some days especially after shopping. I am slowly working on me and am hoping to start seeing some small improvements soon.

It has been 6 years since I had to go to court and face him, I still have trouble with it all and am now on a new tablet at night to help me sleep, it is helping and I am sleeping better which is good, I thought that I would of been able to let things go by now but it's not working that way, guess it has affected me more that I thought it had, I just wish I could be normal, whatever normal is. I do know that I can't change what happened in my past but I can change what happens in the future and I know it starts with me and making myself better. I chose the word SELF as my word of the year and I need to start doing things for me and putting me first.

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Life Happens

 It sure has been awhile since I posted here, life happens and sometimes I don't know what to write or feel like sharing. A lot has happ...